The CLOCK is ticking…
Time is not standing still. And while I am trying to figure out the technical details of setting up my blog, I am missing out great opportunites to start cranking away with posting! So, I decided to go right ahead and let the technical detail sort itself out later.
Speaking of the time ticking reminds me of the charm of the clocks behind it and the details that goes into picking the right clock for the right space.
What do you consider when buying a clock – form…function…both?!
For me….I love buying a clock that appeals to me emotionally, but I also think about its’ purpose and its’ place. Some really fun clocks caught my eye but simply would not work in any of my spaces ! Oh…and beware the boring “tells you nothing but the time” version ! When a clock becomes part of the room’s decor, it adds so much more than just being the ticker and you can immediately tell somebody gave it some thought ! Clocks bring character and charm to a room and should definitely be used to make a statement !
This desk clock I bought recently for the kids’ homework table. It clicks over every second and I intentionally placed it on my son’s side to help him snap out of dreamworld when he gets a little distracted in front of his computer as he tends to loose track of time. On top of that – they think it’s fun to watch it tick over.
Also – if you have a painted wall, Â a desk clock is a nice option to avoid yet another hole in a wall, especially if it is black like in this room… a nightmare to fill if you decide to re-arrange the room later.
In the mornings the kids have to catch a bus – almost like catching a train. Ohhhhh… the charm of the OVERSIZED station clock. ALWAYS a winner – everywhere…but in my hallway especially purposeful. I placed it where the kids do last minute things before leaving the house in the morning – packing backpacks, putting on shoes….loosing track of what time has passed since leaving the kitchen.
It is important that it is SO BIG that they simply can’t miss the time …so that they..yes, guessed it- don’t miss the bus !!!
My Office clock is not so easy to read – but it doesn’t matter so much. In this instance it was more important to have a funky clock than a easily readible one. I just needed to get a general idea of the time while being in that room when I am not in front of the computer. When I got busy on the computer, I use the computer screen clock to keep an eye on time.
My most important “Skype relatives” Â live in 2 timezones very close to each other and it is really confusing sometimes….so I have put up these clocks in the kitchen so I can always be aware of what would be a good time to call them. Â Having the clocks with their times on my kitchen wall also reminds me of them very often and seeing the clocks on the wall often triggers some thought of ” I wonder what they are doing right now?!” – oh yes – lunchtime over there !
For fun – I stencilled the name of the countries on the wall around the clock !
But the one with the local time is bigger than the rest (yes – that great IKEA clock that works in so many rooms – I love it !) – because the little one can not read yet and so she knows that she needs to only look on the big one for the local time…and not get confused with 3 clocks same size, different time.
I do not have ANY clocks in the lounge area or the dining room. This is also my motto at our holiday home. Ultimately the purpose of a clock is to keep an eye on the time. When you need to BE somewhere on time…or go to bed on time….Sometimes people hang a clock on a wall, simply because they have a spare one or think – every room needs a clock…but tend to forget that it might be better to NOT have one – if that is what your aim is for that room.
When you have guests, you want them to stay…to have a good time….to forget about the world and their worries and the constant race against time. When a guest’s eye catches a clock on the wall and realize the time – they will often say “Oh my – look at the time – we should be going ! ” And that could end a perfectly good evening at a point where you still had your best chocolates and coffee to serve…
Next time this happens when you were still having a good time and was hoping everybody would stay little longer – you will think of this post ! Have you ever been at a dinner where that has happened? A sudden – oops, it’s late, gotta go !
(If your guests really overstay…just  lead them into the next room where you have a clock ! Problem solved.)
The placement of the clock is very important – the clock in my bathroom was behind my back… I endlessly ended up either having spent too much time already in the tub…..or annoyingly realized 5 times that I bent over backwards unneccessarily since I had more time on hand. That really disturbs a relaxing time in the bath and needless to say – I moved it over to the other wall ! Â So, hang that clock to be in view from where you will be watching it most….not just where the empty space on the wall is.
A few helpful hints next time you go buy a clock ..consider:
- Will it fit the colour scheme, the style and the ambience of the room you are buying it for?
- If you don’t have a specific room for it, try to pick one that will allow enough flexibility to work in various style rooms or that will change with the decor when time comes for a re-vamp.
- Does the size correlate with how important it is to notice the actual time? (remember the big clock for little eyes in need of catching the bus!)
- How readible should the numbers be ? – is exact, on the minute time required or just a general idea of the time – in which case you can really go for that funky, crazy clock
- Does the activity in that room require a reminder of time – if not – go spend that money on beautiful candles for the room of leisure rather than a time checker !!
- And when you finally drill that hole in the wall – make sure to place it at a “most viewed from” angle – not just any wall. You might regret if not.
Let your clock WOW your WALLS !!
And please remember to let me in on your clock secrets….
Do you replace clocks like you do with old furniture or do you put them up even if their time has long gone passed?
Do you a favourite clock that you have had for years and that just goes everywhere you move? Or do you have a special childhood memory from the clocks in your parents’ house?
Or have you never given your clocks that much thought…..
Would love to hear from you.....
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