Aaaaah…..sweet – or is something up..?
i am blogging – and it is past midnight … why, oh why am I not in bed already??
Waiting for the kids to finish a movie that they started while we were out. Was not my idea to let them start a movie at 11.30 in the evening, but I was not here to nip that idea in the bud when it came about….and now I don’t want to spoil the fun switching it off half-way through…?
Husband fast asleep in the chair – kids wide awake in front of the TV…wondering who I should send to bed? Kids or Dad..?
…came home tonight around midnight and the two kids – famous for their sibling rivalry ….sat upright, on the carpet, tucked in together under a blanket….in front of the TV??! So, what’s up with that? First thought that came to mind was that they had done something terrible while we were out and are now cahoots to form a bond and tell us shortly whatever it is they need to share with us… That’s the only reason that I could think of why they are not, as usual – stretched out – each on their own couch…in front of the big screen (cinema size) movie downstairs ..not the hard carpet upstairs….with candy wrappers or empty popcorn bowls and soda pop glasses …all evidence that they had a jolly good time while we were wondering if they were okay at home. No, they were sitting straight up like Thing 1 and Thing 2 after the Cat in the Hat helped cleaned up the usual chaos their surroundings turn into when they watch something….
My husband was so in awe he went to sit down in the chair behind them to take in the moment…yes, just a very brief moment….because he fell asleep almost immediately (long day of kids’ sports, shopping at an outdoor market, playing golf with the neighbors at an indoor screen course, then dinner at the Indian Restaurant , a stroll in the trendy neighborhood and a late night cuppa in a nifty coffee shop…so, no blaming him there?!)
By now…you can see that husband got sent to bed….kids still watching!
Well – it is an hour later and they still have not come up with anything? So, I guess they just had a “we do actually love each other Mom” moment.
But it did make me think of the day we came home and they were as quiet and “together” when they said they (both) “ACCIDENTLY stepped into the paint TIN while we were out”….How on earth do you get 4 feet (one at a time) inside a paint tin…accidently?????
I post the picture – You be the judge…??!
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lol… i love it.. i know that my sisters seemed to only fight when mom & dad were around its like they needed an audience and when we were altogether (as in just siblings) we were perfectly alright! lol. Love the pictures of your kids!