A Comfort Queen
I have a very generous husband when it comes to ME.
He has never denied me anything with regards to indulging myself  in ME needs, ME treats or ME comforts (within reason goes without saying !).
Tomorrow I am off to Vietnam with a few girlfriends and he will look after the kids over the weekend. How lucky am I ?!
While I’m off I leave you with a little insight into ME and what I try to live by.
This I decided just now while I was packing and  discovered one of my old notebooks – (at least 10 years old) . I hardly ever throw away my notebooks – they are almost like the diaries / journals I never got to write. Mainly because I usually buy books and stationery by their looks as much as their purpose!  An ugly book needs to be award winning for me to buy it !
(Told you I have a thing for form & function combined !!)
But this book in particular I have kept (it has a special place in my closet) because on top of being cute and whimsical, it personally appealled to my outlook on life. Right when I picked it up, I knew – this is SO ME !!!! And today it rings true for me as much as it did then.
It is late in the day and natural sunlight is nowhere to be seen…so bare with the photos as I shot them in my bedroom while packing, grabbing the first “comfy” thing I could lay my hands on…so I will quote them below too:
Opening the front cover there is a sort of ” declaration” of a COMFORT QUEEN:
Do I even need to TELL you that I TOTALLY declared myself a Comfort Queen way back when??!
And I am not ashamed to say that I have lived by that credo ever since.
Did you get that ?……
A Comfort Queen:
Rules her own life.
She treats herself with the same kindness
and respect as she does the people she loves.
She has a healthy sense of humor about herself.
Rest, self-nurturing and harmony
are her imperial rights.
She keeps her eye on the unfolding path of her life
and lives by what she treasures.
Or at least she tries.
And then the page header that further sparked so many ideas over the years as I filled the pages…
It’s hard to read but it says:
What one thing could I do today to become the person I most want to be?
I wonder what your answer would be to that ? Anyone?
And finally on the  back page:
“Each one of us has an inner feminine voice – your Comfort Queen – a voice that will soothe and befriend, strengthen and support, helping you to treat yourself with the same kindness and respect as you do the people you love”
Created by the best-selling author: Jennifer Louden. And today after all these years, I went to her blog and website to see who the lady is to whom I owe so much in finding a piece of my own self many years ago when I bought her notebook ! You can visit her blog and website for many more wonderful insights and inspiration at The Comfort Queen. Thank you Jennifer !
I AM LOOKING FOR ALL THE COMFORT QUEENS OUT THERE whom these treasures and life philosophy ring true for ??? Are you with me ? Let me know !
If you have a different philosophy or comfort I would love to hear that too.
It is important for us women in the world to keep on discovering ourselves and share it with others so we can constantly better ourselves.
For those who love to share, do so and I will check on your comments upon my return from Vietnam.
In the meantime I wish you a happy, comfy weekend with your loved ones
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Hi! Thanks for sharing the quotes … I LOVE quotes .. they always make me stop and think. As for your question: “What one thing could I do today to become the person I most want to be?” …. (thanks for the reminder). I don’t want to be a workacholic .. and u just reminded me to step away from my computer 🙂 I am blog I met u thru Decor8 class … I loved the class!!! I hope to see u at my blog. I look fwd to staying in touch. Now .. I have to walk away from the computer 🙂
so sweet to see the old journal and art still out there being loved! Thank you for sharing this and for reading my work~