I am not my body…


Last week was one of those weeks where I lived in frustration again with my own body.

Complaining to myself that I have nothing to wear, following my “unexplained” weight gain….obsessing over minor aches and pains I had….feeling nauseous from medicines I took …. and the list goes on.

Just in general not a happy camper…very frustrated with my body and how not-perfect it was….

That off course made my whole life seem miserable and nothing was good enough anymore.

That was until I met Stephanie Nielsen.

I did not meet her in person…but I was reading a book review on someone’s blog and noted a small icon on the right sidebar…I clicked and it landed me on her blog,  NieNie Dialogues.

I watched the video on her blog …and then I cried.

I cried for her burns. I cried for her courage. I cried for her children.

And then I spent the rest of the evening reading through her blog and archives to even before her accident.

I felt ashamed about my complaints – having a perfectly healthy body and pretending like I have it so bad…

But, more importantly I felt so inspired by her. She has no choice now but to live in her new body, but she started blogging 3 years before her accident…and then she did have a choice to make – to be happy or unhappy. And everything I read points to the fact that she lived life in full and in gratitude before this happened. Her zest for life and her love for her husband was just simply incredible.

I watched the clip and what struck me most was ” I am not my body”. I want to never forget that again.

My mind has been with Stephanie so much this past week…and I want you to meet her too. So, I share her story here today and hope that you too can learn from her. You can watch more videos on her blog, especially the one with her four children and their Blue Lily photo shoot. It is just divine.


Take care




No responses to I am not my body…

  • graciegrin says:

    Wow… completely amazing and inspirational! I struggle with the love/hate relationship with my body. As a christian woman, I know that I am not my body. It is not what defines me, but I get stuck on the mirror all too often and obsess over the 70 lbs I have to lose.
    Thank you for posting this… I needed to hear it today!

    Mary Grace

    • Ilze says:

      Mary Grace – thank you for your comment. I clicked your link and read so many of your posts today…sorry, I could not comment because I was in the nail salon with both hands occupied while i kept reading on my phone. It was a special time – so many thoughts came up. A few I might share with you later. I will e-mail them when i get a chance. Take care. Again – thanks.

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