Coffee Morning


Today we had a coffee morning to welcome the new moms (and a dad ! ) of our little ones who just started Reception!

It was a lovely morning meeting all of the parents whose kids you hear about at the dinner table.

It was not at my house, but I did a table to set the scene for our meeting and had the opportunity to get some input on Party Planning Ideas I have.  We had a nice discussion following.

Nicole has big windows opening up to her beautiful garden … bringing the inside in…. so I used that as my inspiration to decide on which theme to go with for today’s table.

Country flowers and red gingham had mainly set the tone as the rest of the colours were more subtle – pale blue and soft yellow with a little bit of Mother Earth brought in via some chocolate brownies and cut grass.


My friend gave me a recipe for this dip that you serve with freshly cut, crispy, cold apples…. so I share:



There was no time making cake pops this time, so my daughter just prepared a few lollipops that the moms could take home for their kids !

Perfection was not really the objective here, but they still looked very festive!

No one really feels like cooking dinner after you have had a morning full of treats and nibbles…and did I mention that I never stopped eating the caramel -peanut apple dip?!

So, I called  “CHICKEN GUY”…. have no idea what his name is…but he sells rotisserie chickens and delivers them at home with his scooter.

And he has been my hero a few times when I had to call him from the car to make sure dinner is on the table on time !

If you live in Seongbuk-dong, Seoul… I share with you his number. It is perfect for those days you are in no mood for cooking – 02-7669192.

You just call him… ask “is this chicken guy”…he says “yes”… you say ” i want chicken”… he says “okay…you say “address…..”…. he says “” or whatever – (that would be the time he would be at your house)….you hang up… you wait…6 pm the doorbell rings… chicken guy is at the door…and you have a lovely dinner if you just throw in the vegetables or simply add a French baguette.  Have your 11 ooo won per chicken ready – I usually order two, they are not big.

Try him next time – it works wonders for a weary mom who can not order too many things over the phone with her non-existent Korean language skills !

Best times  to call is around 5pm, and he will deliver the freshest chicken as soon as ready. Tonight I called 6 pm and had delivery 6.40 pm.

Well, I hope you had a lovely day too. I am off to bed now.




8 responses to Coffee Morning

  • Grethe says:

    Cool!!!! Love the lollipops! Already on my idea list for you know what…don’t want to let the secret out 🙂 Grass on the table looks cool. Good job creating the ‘natural’ atmosphere inside!

  • Sue says:

    Oh my god Ilze. It looked fabulous. How spoilt are those Reception Mums. I wish we had that sort of coffee morning here! I think I get to go to the cafeteria next week and be pressured by the PTO to volunteer!!! Well done! You are exceptionally talented.

  • Elli says:

    just read your blog.. the photos are so nice. You are really talented with the set up of your photos and i love the extra recipes and chicken man number!!!
    how do i keep your blog on my email so i can check when you post things?

    • Ilze says:

      Elli – you click on the SUBSCRIBE to this blog via e-mail and the post will be delivered to your inbox every time I make a new post !!!

  • Yvonne says:

    I would have loved to attend this one! And I am so happy you told us about chicken guy! is it the one on the right side when you enter Seongbuk-dong main street? I saw this one and thought: “Maybe they are better than the Costco ones. if it is him I feel some Tortilla with chicken coming up this week end….
    PS. And we shall so repeat a coffee morning. Have you ever been to Buam-dong in the cafe up the hill with the fabulous view???
    I am keeping my fingers crossed for London!

    • Ilze says:

      No idea where Chicken man’s secret hide-out is, but that could be him !? Have never bought one off the street – neither Costco. So, you need to try Chicken man and tell me how it compares to Costco. Probably not the greatest – but all about the convenience in a time of crisis for me !! Loved meeting – hooray for blogs ! Let’s try your cafe next. It looks like London might be in the bag !!! Got a message it is coming…fingers crossed visa is approved !

  • this is such a great idea!!! great way to welcome the new mums! have a nice one

  • Andrea says:

    I am another mother (Toma’s mom) from RW, but wasn’t able to attend the coffee morning – I can’t believe what I missed! I took a quick peek at your blog and it is wonderful. Thank you for sharing and hopefully I will get to meet some of the other parents soon!

  • Leave a Response to Andrea

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