New Beginnings


Today while browsing through the shops in the little town of Parys, I saw this…

To me, first thing that came to mind was New Year’s Eve….. that’s just how my head works around disco balls !

Anyway – it also happened to be the 1st of July. The beginning of the second half of the year.

And I was wondering – is it too late to make some “new beginnings” – to have some Mid-Year-“New”-Year’s Resolutions?!

Many good intentions verbalised in January, never saw the light, and discussions around the dinnertable today gave me some inspiration to once again, try and make good on some of them. Starting today.

So, I was wondering – do you ever start something new in the MIDDLE of something else, in the MIDDLE Of the year…

Do you start a new habit immediately once the decision is taken, or do you schedule it for “after the holiday”… starting a diet on “Monday”…… starting to study at 10 am and not 9.43 am.

Are there 2 types of people in this world? One that could start – no matter where or what – they take it from there…. and the Other – having to always be at a MARKED day/ point/ hour before they can take on a new initiative.

I am the latter… had to be July 1st to take a decision to try again – or else it would need to wait for January 1st – which is too far off in this case.

So, which one are you?

One could either say – half the year is gone and I have not achieved….. or half the year is still ahead… there is some time..




1 Response to New Beginnings

  • Grethe says:

    Definitely the latter. Have never of 1st July as mid year……sounds like a good plan to “start again”. Maybe try together??

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