Reflections of Radiance


I have a friend – a bundle of joy…. full of inspiration and ideas. You know the saying “Good things come in tiny packages”??

Well, God created her in such a way that her petite figure occupies but a tiny bit of any room, but her personality certainly fills every corner of every room she enters. And with that tiny body, came amazing capabilities.

Inspired 2

A woman equally at ease in the presence of Ambassadors and Presidents, as she is in a rural village with people of poverty who are in desperate need. And it is exactly the latter that inspired the latest undertaking of Ruth Cube Keijdener,  in collaboration with the talented, Inge Hooker.

These two ladies have created something new, something vibrant and they are putting it on exhibition in Seoul for those of you, fortunate enough to be in the area to go get inspired by their new creation, in person. And to support a good cause – all at the same time.

Reflections of Radiance 2


Reflections of Radiance is an upcoming art exhibition in Seoul by Artists Ruth Cube Keijdener and Inge Hooker. This exhibition is an expression of intense joy. Keijdener and Hooker combine the arts of painting, photography and design to create big, bold, vibrant art that leave you with the very sense of joy.

Be sure not to miss it – for something new, never-seen-before…. this is the place to be:

Somerset Palace, Seoul, 85 Susong-dong, Jongno-gu 110885. Call 02-6730-8888 for more information and directions or 

Running from March 29, 2013 thru May 30, 2013.

 or to get more information:
And be sure to VISIT and LIKE their facebook-page:
 where you can read more about these fascinating ladies !
Ruth at work 2
Ruth is a diverse and dynamic person to get to know and in her own words:
“…..My inspiration for this artwork exhibition is Somalia and Philippines. I am involved in an organization who helps feed millions of malnourished kids in Somalia and give new beginnings to Philippine women in the dump areas in Manila. Every cent bought from these paintings are going to a good cause. My heart is to do something to help others build their lives and for children to have good food. God is good.”
The wonder of “creating” – let us never stop creating….
In the definition of the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:


 verb \krē-ˈāt, ˈkrē-ˌ\

cre·at·ed cre·at·ing

Definition of CREATE

transitive verb
: to bring into existence <God created the heaven and the earth — Genesis 1:1(Authorized Version)>
a : to invest with a new form, office, or rank <was created a lieutenant>

b : to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior <her arrival created a terrible fuss> <create new jobs>

: cause, occasion <famine creates high food prices>
a : to produce through imaginative skill <create a painting>

b : design <creates dresses>


Oh – the world is a wonderful place !!


1 Response to Reflections of Radiance

  • ruth says:

    you amaze me

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