Random thoughts


2014 bring it on


I love my blog. But I neglect it so much. I don’t think it loves me very much.

Probably because I over think what I write on here. A lot of times, I would write down things, but then thinking – do I really want people to know that, even though they would love to know or care about me and my thoughts/ things ??  That explains all the posts in the draft box that I never published. Or I would write something and then think  – who cares about that? Two very different things…but with the same result. I end up not writing or rather,  publishing very little of what I actually write or think. Lately – I stopped myself at the “thought” already, way before I get to the writing down part. So it got even worse !

Kind of makes me sad that I think that way – because first of all – my blog is my space where I come to chat. And those who care, can read or listen…and those who don’t, can leave. So, I really don’t need to think so much, but just write….there are so many people who love company – even if online- that they would love chatting with me in their minds… So, here I am – back !

2014 – Bring it on !!

And then I saw the video yesterday of the guy who danced 100 days in China. (especially that awkward moment when  a lady walked in on him filming in the elevator (at 1:43) – I really think he should have left that out…). Anyway – how goofy and yet, he doesn’t care…he shared. I just don’t want to be “that” guy. And the fact that the video gets so many “views” has nothing to do with people’s opinions on it. It means that so many people watched….regardless of what they thought of it. So, I usually try to make it worth your “watch”…make you feel like you are happy you read or stayed…. but that’s just me. Maybe that’s the wrong approach. Oh well – good for him anyway – dancing 100 days in China…. who knows what all the people thought who saw him in real life. And if he reads this, he would probably say “so what??!  what they thought……. I made it on the internet and into your home and now you talk about me. Maybe that is the goal for some. Oh well – I don’t want to be mean. I hope it made him happy. That’s the most important thing and that’s why we need to do things. Life is too short to do things just for what you THINK other people will THINK. Hey – again…. I don’t wanna be mean. Good for him… at least he can dance and is kind of cute.

But at least – and hats off to him….. he is doing something. Unlike me who thinks so hard about all the things I want to do ! And then end up not doing because I can’t decide which one of my million ideas to pursue. Anyone out there knowing this feeling?? It sucks.

Then again …did you all see the family who made the video in their Christmas jammies? I loved that and it was a refreshing take on the old Christmas card. Kuddos to them and good luck to their new career in video making. They did a super job and made my Christmas happier. I know they don’t want to be just famous – they look like they have a blast doing it ! Some people just know their calling and go out and do it and it is a huge success.

Ok – over 13 million people saw it… so, don’t tell me you are not one of them…but just in case (not judging) – here you go !

Back to all the things I usually don’t say on my blog and the reasons for that… which is what is prompting this post…

There is also the privacy factor. How much do you “share” in a world that has all these predators out there… stalkers….. fans who go crazy and follow people and ruin their lives and trespass their private grounds.  Ok – who am I kidding here?? It’s not as if I am a celebrity or a legend or a princess. I think I can go very far before the papparrazzi will break down my front door !! I watched the movie of DIANA – how sad and tragic her life turned out…but then again – she would have not been who she was if she was not that famous. I guess a choice between two evils in the end. And there was just nothing she could do towards the end to change who she was or the life she had….despite the incredible longing that she had for winning the love of her heart surgeon that she so desperately desired. She was a princess and nobody could change that in the end. She had to live….and die…. with that.

I am not a celebrity and I never will be. But I guess we all have our inner circle…. and I guess we should care about what they read…Trying to find the balance between what needs to be said and what people would forgive you for if you don’t edit out most of your thoughts before you even put them out there.

Have you ever thought how hard celebrities need to work to “keep up” their status?? We all – well some of us – often think – what can I do to make me rich and famous? But have you thought of how hard it must be..to keep up the appearances? To keep afloat the lifestyle throughout your life – long after you for example have the stamina to make the dance moves you once did on a stage when you were 20 ?? Oh man….. that thought alone was enough for me to be okay with it that I would never be famous and a celebrity…. and hence would not have the burden to sustain that lifestyle for the 40 or more years that will be there after the peak of your fame?! Yes, it is great to have all that money…but then again…you need to use so much of that money just to keep yourself looking good and avoid a bad hair day or it will forever haunt you in one of the saucy magazines. Ok – convinced myself that celebrity status is not for me. Too much work. Too much money. Too much pressure.

I have been on holiday and I got to see so many great places and beautiful things. Will share that soon with you.





2 responses to Random thoughts

  • Bob Quigley says:

    Thanks for sharing. I think your random thoughts are shared by most of us. Writing is something that I keep putting off until tomorrow … and tomorrow never comes. Family is my legacy, so who needs fame and fortune. Keep writing and I will keep reading.

    • Ilze says:

      HI Bob !! Thanks so much for telling me that !! You are my hero for the day. And how great – your Family is your legacy. That is such a great thing to strive for !!! Adding it as mine now too! Keep well. And thanks for reading. Take care.

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