D.I.Y Popcorn holders and Pizza Sleeves


Feeling crafty and creative?

Here’s an idea for those old magazines you have stacked up somewhere ! (I know you do…)

Turn it into something useful and beautiful.

All you need

Cheap and Easy. Oh – and would I even show them to you, if not cute too??

Ever ran out of time to shop for a little bag to hold nibbles, nuts or popcorn at a party – be it kiddie or more a-la-chic-mommy style?

Or having friends over and don’t want to end up with dishes after kids’ snack time?

Here is one idea to pimp up your party in ….. less than …….2 minutes…..

Yes – because we are all busy….and we all have magazines we don’t know what to do with !



Here’s a recap…. yes… super duper easy:

1. Tear out a page

2. Roll

3. Stick with good old washi tape at the end – or stitch or glue.

4. Tie a ribbon to pretty things up !

5. Voila – fill with your favorite.

Popcorn holderYou can do the same for other foods – where you perhaps serve some pizza at a meeting, but you don’t want your glam girls ending up with greasy hands and neither do you want them to think you’re a order/ deliver kinda girl without adding your own touch –  do you?

pizza sleeve

Not only a fab solution ….. it oozes STYLE !


Not that I need to point this out….but DO make sure you match the magazine page with the style of your party/ food – just a tiny detail to make sure it takes you 3 minutes and not just 2 !!

If you are not a food person, maybe check out this post for another fab thing to do with your old magazines ! Find it here.

Enjoy !


Events – The Life Market Day at Snowflake


Oh man, if I knew what fun the Market Day at the Snowflake Building was gonna be, I would have grabbed my big camera and notepad that day and take some serious notes to share with you  here !

But I still have these snaps to show you and hope that this will be just enough to convince you to make your way over on their next Life Market Day.

Market Day

Roughly 120 kilometres west-southwest of Johannesburg, lies the city of Potchefstroom which hosts the campus of the North-West University and there is a buzz in that town that you ought to know about !

The Snowflake Silo building – an old  flour mill of Snowflake,  has been around forever, but in recent years, the owner, Albert Bothma, has created a buzz around the building by offering a wide variety of events, shows and exhibitions.

(apparently the place to be after hours during the Aardklop festival…)

554922_693782513969039_1568815054_nphoto credit: Snowflake Potchefstroom 

It is an amazing building in itself and even that is worth paying a visit !

building insideI was mesmerized by the sunrays that made its way through every possible entryway it could find….adding to the overall ambience of the flaky walls and peeling paint that reminds you of the place’s years gone by.

sunlightYou can spend all morning simply browsing around… or you can fill your tummy to your own delight on the many baked and homemade foods that are on offer !!

people collage

You have to be there to  join in on the “coolness factor”  and crafty merchandise that this community has to offer.




bunting variety

Keep an eye on their facebook page (Snowflake Potchefstroom) to know where to find them, when they have events….and yes – like them – they are super cool !


next date



Taking you to……… Stanley Main Street on a Sunday


One of my favorite places to hang out on a Sunday, is certainly Stanley, Hong Kong.

There is Stanley Market, Stanley Main Street and Stanley Plaza.

If you haven’t been……. Today I will take you there for a brief moment ……

Main street sign

….and my favorite time to be there …. is on a Sunday right before sunset.


 photo credit : Eddiwon

Stanley Main Street runs between the famous Stanley Market and Stanley Plaza. More about these two places in an upcoming post.

Hong Kong Expat Living has a culture of household helpers and while most of the week, only those with the luxury of not having a daytime job gets to enjoy the Main Street. On Sundays, most people, including the helpers, have the day off and I just love how everybody get to spend their day at leisure here – where all become one in the freedom to be and to hangout and to take a deep breath before the week commence , leaving behind what perhaps had been a challenging week…..


Some people sit down for dinner at this time ….but mostly it is an interesting exchange of “strollers” – human and other – in different directions at random since the road is closed off for thru-traffic in peak periods.

strolling 2


white shorts

The variety of the crowd is remarkable….. but there is one thing in common for sure…..

girls walking

Every other person has a dog that they bring along….competing for cuteness !!


And getting real VIP treatment in many instances.

There are the interesting ones you meet – like these two people asking me to take their picture – in an exchange of words that neither of us understood…..but with street-shots and camera-in-hand …that doesn’t matter…. we get the job done and everybody’s happy. A moment in time captured forever as a memory.


I will never know where they came from or where they are going. The important thing is that once we met and shared a moment.

Some get a chance to live out a little bit of a dream that perhaps never came true…..

guitar man

And people pause for a moment to appreciate…


While others solidify their special moment with a stroll down Stanley for a photoshoot on their big day !

bride2 bride1


The brides in their sneakers captures the spirit of Stanley in a nutshell!

passing by

I love coming here often and I hope you loved coming here with me today.

One day you should come here for real !

Or sign up and subscribe to this blog if you want me to take you to more places where I go and you perhaps have not been yet.

And then…the delivery man from our neighborhood…. reminder that I need to head home and think about dinner !


 photo credit : Eddiwon


Wise Words


Heard some Wise Words again last night.


It can be cliche or it can give you real food for thought if you take a minute to think about it …..

I chose the latter.



Think about it.

Isn’t it refreshing??!…..exciting…??!! ….. promising !!

That was my take on it.

Now to come up with some creative ideas on ME.

How about YOU?

Go have fun. Go CREATE yourself ! Only you can write your own life story and who you want to be in this world.


Ring Ring


You might recall my fascination with interesting phones in the house to jazz things up a bit. No? – see here.

Well, I recently added one more to the collection. A real Antique – Siemens, from Germany. 1912.


I just love the ring and the nostalgic feeling I get when old school meets modern home !

If you are keen in finding your own old phone or some very interesting curio pieces – try look for FAI KEE – CK WONG in Hong Kong – address 19A, Side Upper Lascar Row – or by telephone: 25441137/ 9722-9803. International dialling code for Hong Kong is +852.

Do you love Antiques? What is your favorite item you purchased?








If you last visited your own blog 2 months ago – how do you even expect others to do so?

I know. I’ve been terrible at this. And if I have to tell you all the reasons why that is, you might just  want to run up the hills with me and never come back.

So…let ‘s just forget that. I am back.



I drive over this Reservoir almost daily. It never looks the same on any two given days. What you see depends greatly on the weather and circumstances surrounding it on the day and the days before that.

Some days it shows its’ true beauty and perfect reflection.

That is usually after a huge storm, after everything has calmed down…

We are the same. Things surrounding us….the people, the places….. the aroma and air around us….that all makes us reflect differently on different days and cast our reflection out depending what has been happening to us for a while.

Some days it gets so foggy around me, that it is hard to even see myself clearly – let alone let others see what is going on.

The cloudy atmosphere cover my body,mind and soul.  I can’t see through the fog and others can’t see in.

It is unavoidable to let that which is in our direct space, not affect us….

But we should not let that change what is within us.

And sometimes it does. If bad weather persists for a long period of time…Nature in itself starts to change and adapt – be it for the good or bad…

But then there comes a day …..and after the storm, things clear up pretty well and out of nowhere, the cleansing help us bring forth again clarity and a clear perimeter to let us reflect and project our thoughts and ideas and become radiant again. And I become an object that can reflect and affect.

Do not lose hope. I have to remind myself often.

The storms will pass and the fog will clear and then we can think, act and plan again…. for a better day has, or are yet to, come. But it will.







Only one thing to say after a day like yesterday…


To each and everyone who came to our 30 MAY SHOP DAY and support the ladies and their businesses….. it is much appreciated.

Thank you for supporting WOMEN and their PASSIONS and their UNDERTAKINGS !!

For photos of the day – have a peek at our Facebook Album here.

Have a happy weekend ! I am sure planning to….



Magazine Magic


My Cousin is visiting for a month. He is 18 and I am …..well…… a lot older !

But during the day the kids are at school and he keeps me company. Last week I was cleaning up and had a pile of old magazines to toss out.

Yes – I know you have them too….. LOADS of them…. right?

We sat at the table and started paging through them….. then cutting and clipping and chatting….. and got CREATIVE !!

Create and Communicate

And before we knew…we spent all morning communicating while creating. Magazines actually make great conversation starters – spotting advertisements and articles brings up so many topics that you bridge the gap between generations in no time at all.

The best part of it, was the fun tags I then made while we were catching up.

PicMonkey Collage

Modge podge and a ribbon and voila !!! Gone was the boring old yellow tags that I bought in the stationery store.

Next time you want to have great conversations…. grab some magazines and CREATE and COMMUNICATE !

I am sure it will work the magic with your kids too!!

A fun way to spend the day. Especially those rainy ones.




A reminder….



What is your scent?


I got these lillies from my kids for Mother’s Day on Sunday.


They are my favorite and they are beautiful when they open up.

But I got them on Sunday and then sort of “forgot” about them as the week went on…

Untill this morning, when I walked into the room and smelled their scent that transcended the room above and beyond any other smell in the house.

It was as if they said to me “If you don’t see my beauty today, I will make you smell the lovely scent…..but you dare not ignore me !”

That reminded me of us in this world.

We spend so much time on our own beauty and focusing on getting ourselves pretty and in shape day in and day out.

But it is not untill we start giving off a beautiful scent (or stench) that the world stop and take notice of what has been there but forgotten for a while.

It is much easier to look pretty on the outside than to give off your special scent in this world….me thinks?! Agree?

I am not saying that it is not important to look good…. it is just that it soon becomes ignored and forgotten if we don’t have anything else to offer??

It made me think…what am I offering at the moment to the world that goes beyond what they see…. how can I make myself “noticeable, pleasant, make a difference to every room I walk in, let others see that there is more than just meets the eye….what is THE thing that make me open up and let the world take notice?

That is my challenge for today and it gave me a lot of thinking to work on…….so I am wondering….

What is your “scent” to the world? Do you  know?  What do you do everyday to make people notice, to give yourself purpose and to spread a lovely aroma around you? What is it that you do that makes other people enjoy your “being there”…. that makes them want you to stick around….and be in their lives…fill their rooms and speak to their senses?

Would love to hear !



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