
So many things happening…

End of year is approaching fast and everybody is getting into Christmas mode !

I am getting into the spirit of giving as well…and have a couple of blog giveaways for you to enjoy in the weeks leading up to Christmas. What’s a blog giveaway? I ask you to do something… you do it…. which means you “entered”… and I give you a gift in return !

Why not? ‘Tis the season !

And besides..I would like to give back to all of you who have supported me and my blog and encouraged me to keep writing.

Yesterday, I reflected on this day a year ago… a sad day..but one of the things that kept me going in the empty times…..was to keep on blogging and sharing and hearing from people telling me how they enjoyed reading. Knowing that my efforts and input made a difference somewhere or  somehow, kept me going with something I love and enjoy.

So – a big THANK YOU FROM ME… all those who are “fans” – in whichever way you told or showed me that!

Even if you are not particularly interested in the specific gift of the day – participate !!

a) it is fun to hear from you

b) there will be a give-away later that I will pick from entries on posts where you did not win on that specific post.

Now, I can’t just simply pick and giveaway…so, you have to “enter” …very easy  – telling you at the end of the post how to do that.

In a recent post, I shared with you the wonderful stationery and cards that my cousin designed and printed. If you missed it, do go back and catch up on it here. Maybe you are not that much of a DIY person or maybe it is just simply too busy right now to get yourself into creating your own cards or stationery – and would like others to do the work for you.

One of the first people who liked and commented on my blog was Sally Corben. She is the Art Teacher at our school. And some of you may not know that she also creates cards and stationery which you can order from her web-based business. So today I want to give a little shout-out to Sally and lead you to her website, CorbDesigns. I would like to show a little support for her and give you the opportunity to select a product of your choice, free of charge to the value of 50 000 Korean won (there is an international converter on the site ) and shipped right to your door. Eligible to any country, no need to be in Korea to participate or be shipped to.


You can choose any design in any category – be it for christmas cards you want to mail out, birthday invites, birth announcements, personal namecards, maybe cards you can use as gift tags for all your christmas gifts you take so much time and effort with the wrapping and want to personally add a family portrait in there…or even printing a set of cards as a surprise gift for somebody ….mmmm….we all have that person nobody knows what to give?!

I know it’s early to be thinking Christmas…but if you plan to send out cards or give them as gifts…it might not be too early to start thinking about ordering your cards or taking the photos, as these usually takes some time and it just gets more hectic. But hey – you get to tell me more about that in the QUALIFYING question for today’s giveaway.

To participate is easy:

1. You will only be considered for the giveaway if you have “liked” my facebook page or subscribed as a google follower. But SOMEHOW I need to know that you are a fan ! Let’s be honest – who wants to give away free goodies to people who “don’t like” my blog? Haven’t LIKED me yet, but want to? Put your money where your mouth is and go to the side bar now and just click “like” on the facebook button… you have to be signed into your facebook to do that. Don’t have facebook or google – subscribe to get it straight to your e-mail but tell me that in your comment.

2. Leave a comment on this post – telling me:

Are you an early bird Christmas shopper/ planner….or do you usually leave it all very last minute !?!


if you win, which product would you choose from the Corbdesign range.

3. Check back on the blog for a winner – will be announced in one week, Wednesday, November, 23rd.

If you are not familiar with blog giveaways or have more questions, e-mail me via the e-mail button on the right. But give it a try even if it’s new to you…it is fun and free !!

To recap:

Good luck everyone !!

Hope to hear from you.

Now, don’t be selfish – spread the word, spread the love… TELL YOUR FRIENDS !!!

Let them share in the fun – maybe you know of someone who likes to be part of the fun.

Please note – I am still a newbie at blogging – please mail me with any glitches you have in commenting, to like or follow or subscribe and I will very happily help you figure it out…or you help  me ! I am going to experiment with different tools in selecting a winner as we go along ! Hoping to learn a few new tricks.

Blog bling: Shabby blogs – love them !



7 responses to BLOG GIVEAWAY

  • Brigitte says:

    I always shop early, if I see something I think a relative or a friend would like, i buy it and store it until the right time. I am never stressed at Christmas because my shopping is already done!

  • elli says:

    I’m a shopper all year around!!!! I buy things that I LOVE and give them as gifts to special friends 😉 or I buy 2… keep one for myself and give one away!!! 🙂

  • Saori says:

    Hi Ilze, I love the holiday season, especially for the Christmas. I do shopping in the beginning of December. I just started to think about this year’s Christmas card. For me, I always like to add family picture with a message on the card. And, in Japan, we celebrate the New Year with a traditional dishes in the morning of January 1st. It’s one of the biggest ceremony in my home country. I am now thinking about visiting my family, since I miss them so much, especially I miss my grandma.

    I just want to say that I am a fan of your blog. I had lots of ups and downs since I moved here from U.S. (mainly because of a culture shock), but meeting with you changed the way I see my new life in Korea completely. I still have hard time sometimes, but I think I am getting better. Thank you for your writing and creative photos. I thank you for your inspiration. I am glad I met a person like you.

  • Brigitte says:

    Hello again! I read Elli’s and Saori’s comments and realized we all did the same thing: get so excited about shopping for Christmas that none of us said what we would pick if we won! I looked at Corbdesign and love what she does! Thanks for sharing the link, it’s lovely. Soooo, IF i won, i would probably pick some personalized Thank you cards!
    Thanks again and keep writing!

  • Grethe says:

    1. I believe I’m already a fan on Facebook….correct me if I’m wrong…don’t have a google account
    2. I’m a early shopper if the family decides early enough that we are actually exchanging gifts that year. Unfortunately it’s usually a last minute decision so it’s last minute shopping I guess. Most of it done before I fly….so suppose that sort of counts as being ‘early’
    3. Love the monogrammed Note Cards 🙂 Now I know where the one in my window sill comes from….;)

  • Brenda says:

    I shop when I see something that reminds me of someone I love –
    Love all cards – givng and receiving and have boxes of cards dating back to my schooldays …. handmade by my friends;
    My most prized cards are those handmade – and given to me – by my own children; children I have taught and loved ones!

    Happy Christmas shopping!

  • Lize says:

    Hi Ilze,

    Jy ken my goed, ek is n laat shopper, as ek by die shop uitkom!!

    Al daardie kaartjies is so mooi, maar ek hou van die “Note cards”, veral met die tipe uitleg van die “Thinking of You” kaarjie!

  • Leave a Response to Brigitte

    Comments that do not contribute constructively to the conversation at hand, contain profanity, personal attacks or seek to promote a personal or unrelated business, will not be published.

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